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David Jay's Digital Safari
Thursday, 6 May 2004
hunting snipe
here's a little something for all of you who want to kill some time on the net. go to Google. type in "Weapons of Mass Destruction". then click the "I'm Feeling Lucky" button. see where it takes you. you'll get what looks like a 404 page, but actually read it. it's not what it seems. somebody has got a killer sense of humor! have fun kids.

Posted by davidjay at 3:49 PM PDT
Wednesday, 5 May 2004
buy 'em books, send 'em to school
i'm currently working on a project that's mindnumbingly dull. i'm recording voice-overs for an online health textbook for teens. last night i ran across something rather interesting. here's a list of lifestyle factors that promote good health:

getting 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night

starting each day with a healthy breakfast

eating a variety of nutritious foods each day

being physically active for at least 20 minutes a day, three or more days a week

maintaining a healthy weight

avoiding tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs

managing stress

maintaining positive relationships

practicing safe behaviors to prevent injuries

abstaining from sexual activity before marriage

that last one is really something, ain't it? it seems to me that it's morality disguised as health advice. i think that most teens are too smart to fall for that one. i'm all in favor of promoting safe sex, but please! when you tell a teenager that it's unsafe to have sex unless you're married, you lose all credibility. somehow an unmarried couple who live together are at greater risk that a married couple? i don't buy it, and neither will your average teenager. i suppose that the textbook company doesn't want to be accused of promoting teen sex. what a cop out. i can't wait to see what other myths today's teens are being told are facts. next it'll be that masturbation causes blindness! lucky for me that's false, cuz... wait. things are getting fuzzy and dark. it's getting hard to see. oh man...

Posted by davidjay at 2:05 PM PDT
Updated: Wednesday, 5 May 2004 5:02 PM PDT
Tuesday, 4 May 2004
hangin' with the bachelor
okay kids. wanna be a big star? this saturday, may 8th, i'll be co-hosting auditions for the next season of abc's "the bachelor". we'll be at paseo nuevo in santa barbara from 11am-3pm. for more info and an application, click here. we'll be hangin' with ryan morelli from the last "bachelorette" show. hurry kids, cuz his 15 minutes are just about up! just think. you might find love on reality tv. (oh, yeah!) if that's your thing, we'll seeya on saturday.

Posted by davidjay at 1:29 PM PDT
welcome to the blog
as if i had nothing better to do, i've decided to blog my way through the 21st century. so here i am! i'm david jay. that's my story and i'm stickin' to it! just a little bit about me to start with. i'm in beautiful santa barbara, califoria. paradise on earth. i'm the production director for cumulus broadcasting (yes, i know. corporate radio sucks) and the evening air personality on KRUZ 103.3 FM. it's a silly way to make a living, but it's more fun that a lot of things that i've done in the past. i'm not sure how often i'll post on "the safari", but hopefully it'll be every couple of days. maybe you'll find it amusing. maybe not. considering that i've just created the blog, i'm pretty sure that there's nobody reading it anyway, so it's mostly for my own enjoyment. perhaps i'll follow wil wheaton's lead and turn my ramblings into a book. i dunno. for now, i've got spots to cut and bills to pay so it's back to my day job. if you're in the central or southern california area, give my show a listen. the "eighties @ 8" happens weeknights from 8-10 pm. lemme know whatcha think. while you're on the web, come on over to David Jay's Digital Satori and set a spell. y'all come back now, y'hear?

Posted by davidjay at 10:34 AM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 4 May 2004 11:57 AM PDT

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